So if you’re reading this you have found your way to my fancy new website and are actually interested or possibly interested in what I have to say (really!?).
Im hoping to use my blog to share some of my processes, works in progress, share some tips and maybe the odd personal post if its relevant.
Art can sometimes depend on the mood of the artist and I’ve never shied away from discussing my mental health or other issues that people sometimes gloss over. It’ll be a real and truthful account :)
I couldn’t think of a more perfect time than during this second national lockdown to start a blog, maybe I will find it quite cathartic to have somewhere to write everything down.
The world is a crazy place at the minute and anyway to keep the mind busy is a positive in my book. What are you doing to keep busy and sane?
I hope everyone is staying safe!
If there’s anything you think I should post about or if you have any suggestions, or questions let me know!